
Dunkeldorf: The Prancing Peacock - RPG Tavern Miniatures

Created by King Games

Dunkeldorf Miniatures - A line of characterful townsfolk & tavern miniatures for RPGs and Tabletop Gaming.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pledge Manager Coming Soon!
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 04:18:20 PM

You wake up with a terrible hangover in your messy room at the Prancing Peacock and the first thing you hear is yelling and shouting coming from downstairs. As you rush down to investigate you see a helpless guy being shoved around by an angry mob, even the peacock Philipp has joined in and is aggressively pecking at his legs and feet. You move closer and see that the victim is Nicki, the nice Dunkeldorf guy who's usually pretty damn cool! What could he possibly have done to deserve such wrath?  

Mats the hat loving hat maker who owns the unsuccessful hat shop "Mats' Hats" (Sculpted by Sonny Bundgaard)

The Pledge Manager Process

I have to admit that I've messed up and promised something that I can't keep and it's probably a good thing I don't live in Dunkeldorf as the Burgomeister Herman Geizhals would have me flogged or worse for such incompetence! Hopefully you're all more merciful than him.

I had promised that all Early Bird backers would be able to upgrade to "Early Bird All In Pledges" in the Pledge Manager. Unfortunately it appears that the feature that I wanted to use is restricted to Add-ons only in Backerkit (The Pledge Manager we will be using) something that I didn't realize during testing. This means that we'll have to do things a bit differently, while still keeping our promise in a slightly different way.    

The Prancing Peacock themed A3 Posters - Available in the Pledge Manager

We have decided that the three All-in pledges that you can upgrade to in the Pledge Manager will count as an Early Bird pledge for all backers. So no matter which Pledge you had chosen, once you go All-in your new pledge will count as an Early Bird pledge and give you an additional miniature for free along with the Dunkeldorf stickers.

To reflect this change we have reduced the price on the All-in pledges for all backers and not just the Early Birds. We're hoping that you all feel that it's not really bad news at all as it opens up for more of you getting an early bird and overall cheaper All-in pledges... so right now I'm thinking that maybe.. we can put the whole flogging or worse scenario to rest? If not, we have a little pleasant surprise further down that should certainly put me back in your good graces! 

To sum it up: All of the "All-in" Pledges will count as an Early Bird Pledge, giving you an additional model for free along with the Dunkeldorf Stickers.

Ludwig the Pedlar (Sculpted by Alessio Cisbani)

Onwards to the Pledge Manager which is around 95% ready. Nana and I will go through it and check for any mistakes and such this week and then we just need to add pictures of the remaining sculpts once they're ready. 

Tomorrow I'm sending the Pledge Manager to be reviewed by BackerKit and unless that takes longer than expected we should be good to send out the surveys on Tuesday. Please note that BackerKit which we're using for the Pledge Manager will first send out a "Smoke Test", this means that only a portion of you will get the survey to begin with (Around 5% I believe) once these e-mails have been received and if everything appears to be in order the remaining 95% of the e-mails will be sent out. 

We'll send out another Kickstarter update on Tuesday which will only be focused on the Pledge Manager with all the information you need on the All-in pledges, how you choose your miniatures, upgrade your pledge,  add-ons, delivery information, ALL of that stuff in one big update to make it easy for reference.

Halfbert the Simpleton (Sculpted by Sonny Bundgaard)

The Surprise

The Prancing Peacock Tavern Sign! This is something that we have talked a lot about and several of you suggested during the campaign as well. We weren't sure if we could do it properly, but we ultimately decided that we had to add it and Sonny just managed to finish it in time for the Pledge Manager launch!

The Prancing Peacock Tavern Sign (Sculpted by Sonny Bundgaard)

The sign will be cast in resin as a single piece  and we have made it relatively thick to be sturdy. We're still working on the final measurements and price on the sign, which you'll be able to see in the Pledge Manager. 

Next update on Tuesday

In the next update coming on Tuesday we'll go through all the steps of the Pledge Manager and show the last few things that aren't completely finished yet. Regarding the Pledge Manager, I have to warn you in advance, there's a lot of miniatures to choose from, 47 in total if you missed out on our first Kickstarter and want some of the "Old" miniatures. 

Make sure that you set aside 15 minutes or so for it and we would also recommend that you sit at a computer (If you can) when doing it as that'll give you a much better overview. Those of you going all-in will of course have a much easier/faster time as you don't have to choose between all the new miniatures. 

Uwe, the hearing impaired old "Sailor" who certainly didn't used to be a pirate! (Sculpted by Alessio Cisbani)

That's it for this time! I've actually missed writing these updates and it's especially fun with so much new stuff to show as well. Hope you like the pictures, we'll show more stuff on Tuesday and then it's time for the Pledge Manager! Have a nice day everyone :) 

- Nicki & Nana 

Isolde, New 3D Prints & Failed Payments
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 05:18:05 AM

Hi everyone!

Things are progressing nicely with the remaining sculpts and we'll continue to show the finished sculpts in "Post-Updates" before launching the Pledge Manager. To begin with, here's the finished version of the rather ineffective guard chicken Isolde!

Sculpted by Sonny Bundgaard

New 3d Prints

We recently received a parcel with the latest 3d prints and they are looking awesome! These are 3d prints of "Reich Edelmann" the Imposter, Olivier Redeux the Gambler and Thia the Trapper. 

Next week we will receive test casts from our metal caster of a bunch of miniatures that we need to approve before they go into the production moulds. From what we have seen so far, the metal casts will hold all the fine details that you see on the miniatures above. There shouldn't be much difference except of the material. 

Failed Payments

Most of the "Failed Payments" have been sorted out, but there are still 16 of you having problems. On Tuesday Kickstarter willl automatically drop your pledge and you will basically be removed from the campaign ;( - There's nothing we can do about that if it happens as that's just how Kickstarter works. But should this happen you can always write to us and we will help in any way we can :)

There's a bit of info about failed payments and how you can fix it right here: Failed Payment

Bits of Information

Bases for the Miniatures

A few of you have asked about bases for the miniatures. We have decided that the bases are not included for free this time. We know that a lot of people are not using these bases and we felt that it made more sense to include other free stuff as stretch goals instead of including the bases. In the Pledge Manager you will be able to purchase 25mm Round "Slotta" bases. These are identical to the bases used for the 3d prints shown above. 

We will set the price as low as we possibly can, so it should be a very little extra expense for those of you looking to add them. 

Posters & The Prancing Peacock Map

We are planning on adding one or two new A3 posters for this campaign, just as we did with the first Dunkeldorf Kickstarter. Yesterday Nana and I talked about these posters and one thing that came up was a poster of the upcoming Prancing Peacock Map. 

If you wanted to use it for a campaign/adventure in an RPG game for example, a large map of it could come in handy. But we won't be able to have the map ready for the Pledge Manager so you would basically purchase the poster/printed map without knowing how it looks. The price would be around 15-20 DKK (2-3ish EUR). Would this be of interest to some of you? If not, we won't go ahead and include the option in the Pledge Manager. 

Next week we'll begin to prepare the Pledge Manager and as soon as the last sculpts are ready we'll launch it. Our plan is to launch it August 4th at the latest, which should be enough time to have all the sculpts ready. 

Have a nice Sunday! 

- Nicki & Nana

Thank you!!
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Jul 11, 2020 at 05:50:35 AM

The last round of ale has been served at the Prancing Peacock and the proprietor Littleton Proudcock is closing down for the night. THANK YOU all so much, we couldn't have asked for a better campaign! It has been wonderful sharing this Kickstarter with all of you.       

We ended up way above our last Stretch Goal and we will try to see if we can add a few extra things for the Pledge Manager. The "Wall Decoration Set" is guaranteed and we have a couple other ideas as well that we may be able to squeeze in without causing a delay to the Pledge Manager. 

What happens now?

To start with, Nana and I need a little break from Kickstarter work to catch up with our regular "Shop work", but the sculpting work goes on as there is still plenty of work left to do there!

Next week, we'll begin to prepare the Pledge Manager. This is a pretty big task this time as we have A LOT of things. It's more or less like setting up a mini version of a webshop. Our goal is that the Pledge Manager will be up in early August. Until then, you don't have to do anything at all, just sit back and wait! We'll make sure to give you all the information you need before the Pledge Manager comes up where you'll choose your miniatures, adjust your pledge, pick Add-ons, pay for shipping and fill out your address information :) 

Future Updates & Delivery

It's important for us to keep you well informed and we're excited to share the progress with you as we move into the "Production Phase". We'll make sure to post updates with pictures and information about how everything is progressing. 

When it comes to delivery, we set the delivery estimate longer than we did with our first Kickstarter as we didn't know if we could potentially get a bigger success this time than the first. This happened to be the case and there are over 250 backers more compared to our first campaign. 

We also ended  up with 13 miniatures more than the first campaign and a lot more accessories and furniture elements. Despite that, we are pretty confident that our estimate will hold as the "Pre-Production" has been going incredibly well so far. We have prepared everything as well as we could and we are going into the production phase as prepared as we could be :) 

Problems with your Credit Card?

After our last Kickstarter we experienced a little percentage of backers having issues with their credit card being declined. Kickstarter will automatically send out an e-mail to you with information on how to fix this if there are problems with your card. You can always write to us if you're unsure if there's an issue or not and we'll see what we can do. No matter what, you don't have to worry. We'll be here to help with any problems that might happen.  

The latest version of the Prancing Peacock Counter

What's next for Dunkeldorf?

Because of the tremendous support for this campaign, we are now planning to start releasing Dunkeldorf miniatures in between our Kickstarters. We would have loved to add even more characters to this campaign (Especially more sitting ones) and this is something that we can now do. This won't interfere with this Kickstarter in any way, all of this will happen once all The Prancing Peacock Miniatures are sculpted and the production has begun. 

We'll be back again next year with a new Kickstarter (In a year, give or take) and I might as well say right away that it will not be our goal for the next campaign to do better than this, as that would just be too much pressure :D But we will of course try our best to make the campaign as good and exciting as we possibly can with hopefully as much content!

Right now however, we have a huge production to get on with and our top priority is delivering a good product to all of you!

A Final Thank You

Once again and on behalf of the entire Dunkeldorf team: Thank you!

And a personal thank you from Nana and I to the wonderful team of talented artists who have helped bring this campaign to life, it has been a real pleasure working with you on it and we're already looking forward to the next one together with you! :)

- Nicki & Nana

All Stretch Goals Unlocked!
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Jul 07, 2020 at 02:04:56 AM

I don't know if we say this too much, but thank you all so much! All Stretch Goals have been unlocked and the campaign has been a much bigger success than we imagined :) 

We had already planned a lot of stretch goals, but it was clear to us early on that we could add even more and we managed to get through all of those too! 

300.000 DKK?

A couple of you have asked about a Stretch Goal for 300.000 DKK, we won't have time to add anything official to the Stretch Goals list, but we have decided that if we reach this milestone, we will be adding something extra in the Pledge Manager. 

This may not be for all of you, but if we reach 300.000 DKK we'll add a "Wall Decoration Set" for those who have their own tavern or want to build one. We expect it will be a set consisting of 6 parts to decorate walls with. We have a few ideas for some plaques, a Coat of Arms and things like that. If you have any ideas feel free to suggest them as we may be able to add them to this set, keep in mind that the pieces are meant to decorate the walls with. 

We are working on a seperate "Decoration" set as well with items for the commodes and such. We are open for suggestions for this set too as it's not completely finished yet. 

The Pledge Manager won't come up until late July/Early August (We need time to finish the remaining sculpts and prepare A LOT of things this time, so it will take us a bit of time. It is possible that you may see a little extra thing or two that we haven't shown in the campaign so far. We'll of course talk about any potential additions in a future update before the Pledge Manager is launched :) 


Below you can see 4 of the Accessories Sets coming up in the Pledge Manager.  

We are working on an "Adventurer's Set" a "Decoration Set" for the Commodes and if we reach 300.000 DKK the "Wall Decoration Set" so possibly a total of 7 sets. 

The Sets will be available separately or as bundle options in the Pledge Manager :) 

I think that's it for this update. That was a short one for once! :D 

We'll be back tomorrow with an update after the campaign has finished. Thanks again everyone! 

- Nicki & Nana

Give-Away Winners, Final Stretch Goals & More
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Jul 06, 2020 at 12:47:28 PM

The Give-Away Winners! 

Thank you all for participating in the Give-Away, we had a blast reading through all your comments! We have added 2 extra winners for a total of 5. 

  • 1. Joakim Asterhed (Will be getting the metal cast of Erhardt as well!)
  • 2. Nunae
  • 3. Mallory Welch
  • 4. Wandering Acorn
  • 5. Nick Tompkins

 If you're one of the backers mentioned above, please send us a private message here on Kickstarter with your address so you can claim your Dunkeldorf mug. We'll get it shipped to you next week :)  

We had originally planned on making a "Dunkeldorf Community Sculpt" during the Kickstarter, but we unfortunately didn't manage to have time to include it. Instead we'll be looking closely at your suggestions and see if we can get some of them included into the range in the near future. More on that later on. 

The Final Stretch Goals

Yesterday we revealed the final Stretch Goals of the campaign, now let's see if we can get through them all before the end! 

Adler, Dieter's Cat

We thought it would be perfect for Dieter the Scribe to own a lazy cat that he takes with him on his journeys. Personally I would love to make a diorama with Dieter sitting in a dark room in front of a desk, a few candles here and there, papers and books spread out on the desk and this little guy keeping him company.  

Sculpted by Sonny Bundgård

The Prancing Peacock Map

We're very excited about this one! A traditional RPG map of the Prancing Peacock hand drawn by Mustafa Bekir in black & white. Nana and I have a good idea about the layout of the building and together with Mustafa we'll get the inn mapped out as detailed as we can! We'll of course include the inn's basement that may have a secret passageway frequently used for Littleton's smuggling operation. 

The map will be available as a PDF file and we hope that it might come in handy for anyone wanting to use the Prancing Peaock for their RPG campaign. 

Florian the Courtesan

The final stretch goal of the campaign! A new miniature and an extra free miniature for all Innkeeper backers. Nana and I have talked about a male courtesan for a long time and after some encouragement for atypical male characters in the comments section, we finally decided to go for this "Handsome" guy. 

Observant backers who know the name of the courtesan from our first campaign, might notice a similiarity in the two courtesans' names, which leads to quite a few misunderstandings in Dunkeldorf.

Concept by Christian Schwager

Should we manage to unlock all of these final stretch goals, the Innkeeper Pledge will look like this with all freebies included:

  • 18 Miniatures of your own choice (19 for Early Birds)
  • 15 Table Accessories
  • Philipp der Pfau (The Peacock)
  • Isolde the Guard Chicken
  • PDF map of The Prancing Peacock

Rolf the Agitator

Sonny has just finished sculpting Rolf the Agitator! He might receive a few minor tweaks before we move on to the "prototype printing stage", but he's more or less ready :)

Sculpted by Sonny Bundgaard

The Dunkeldorf Community

To those of you who don't know already, we have a Dunkeldorf Community group on Facebook. Yesterday Garrett Sheehan posted these two pictures of his painted set of Dunkeldorf Miniatures from our first campaign.     

Painted by Garrett Sheehan

This is the first fully painted Dunkeldorf set that Nana and I have seen other than our own, so it's really cool and it's quite an achievement that Garrett managed to get all of them painted up before the end of our second campaign! 

Next Update

With only a few days left of the campaign our focus is to get the remaining Add-ons ready and work on the "All-in" pledges. For the All-In pledges we'll assume that all Stretch Goals will be unlocked and the price will of course be adjusted in the Pledge Manager if we end up not unlocking all of them. 

Remember that we won't add new pledges in the actual Kickstarter, but you can upgrade in the Pledge Manager instead and if you're an early bird backer you can upgrade to an "Early Bird All-in Pledge". 

Thanks again to all of you for backing the project, we're so happy that we're getting to add so many new characters to Dunkeldorf. Have a wonderful weekend and we'll be back with another update on Sunday :)

- Nicki & Nana